September - October          2009 - Issue #62

"The Industry News Provider devoted to the entire Artform of Vehicle Decorating and more"
Pinstriping   -  Sign/Truck Lettering  -  Graphics  -  Custom Painting  -  Airbrushing  -  Vinyl Graphics
Automotive Fine Art  -  Kustom Kulture Art  -  Gold Leaf Art

autoartmagazine is proud to Introduce,
issue #62 - September - October 2009

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6. Cover Artist: Vaclav Jankovsky.......................................
9. How-To: Eva's Sin by: Sal Cabrera....................................
12. Portfolio: Jeff "kong" Isbell .............................................
14. How-To: PPG EnvirobasedHP Helmet by: Paul Stoll .......
20. Profile: Vince Ciccia.........................................................
26. Readers Spotlight..............................................................
28. Profile: Toby Van Handel.................................................
36. Kool April Nights................................................................
38. Von Hot Rod's Pinstriping Reunion..................................
39. Von Hot Rod's Pinstriping Circus...................................
40. Yokohama Kusto Paint Festival.....................................
45. Business Cards on Display...........................................
44. Eye Kandy Goodguys Car Show....................................
Click here to see larger views

Click on cover to view Full screen

44........Coast Airbrush Party 2007 Photos by: Jim Maxwell............
Also in this issue:
Tips and Tricks with Chris MacMahan, Tools of the Trade with Herb Martinez, BRUSHIT with Brian Briskie,
Kool Links, Safety Corner, Coming Events, What's new in our Industry, Classifieds,
100s of photos and...

Click here to see larger views    Click on Laugh Lines Cartoon to see larger views    Click here to see larger views

Sneak Peek: Chris MacMahan's Laugh Lines Cartoon and a few other pages, Click on them to see larger views

September - October 2009 - Publishers Message:

   I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that this summer sure went by fast. I can’t believe this is already our September/October issue. We have a lot of really kool stuff jam-packed into this one. We are proud to introduce you to Vaclav Jankovsky from the Czech Republic. His work is truly unbelievable, especially considering the obstacles he has had to endure to accomplish what he has achieved. “My hat’s off to him.” Paul Stoll guides us through step-by-step using PPG’s new EnvirobaseHP Waterborne Paint System. And Chris MacMahan shares a great step-by-step patriotic Chevrolet tire cover project using House of Kolor products. We also have another new DesignLines, plus Jeff “kong” Isbell, Vince Ciccia, Toby VanHandel, Herbie, Brian The Brush, Robin, three events from the USA and more from Japan’s 1st Yokohama Kustom Paint Festival. WOW!

   I sure hope that things are going well and all are busy and have plenty of work, if not plenty, at least enough to survive during these tough times. No matter how bad things may seem, I am reminded of a quote posted on the website Bulletin Board by Raymond Chapman; “I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” Meaning if some of us have just enough to survive and food on the table, that there are others less fortunate. When someone asks me (and they just about all do) how am I doing? My answer is “It’s like surfing; paddle hard to get out then sit and wait, sometimes there are swells and you get a few good rides, sometimes great rides, and other times you paddle hard in vain and miss the wave.” I sure can’t wait for this economy to pick up. Anyone have any good tips to drum up work? Send them in and we’ll feature a special on the subject.

   On a positive note, work has picked up a little bit and the economy is beginning to show signs of growth in some areas. Let’s hope this trend continues. We sure appreciate your continued support and encouragement. Thanks for the letters and comments. Enough from me…enjoy.

BB Tip: See this issue for this issues Tip-a-Time special Tip.

Bob Bond - Publisher/Editor

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